Domestic (United States)

We usually ship from both our warehouse in U.S.A within 2 business days. Orders being shipped to a home or business address (excludes PO/APO/FPO or other “non-physical” addresses) are delivered by FedEx/ UPS/ USPS/ DHL ground and Amazon logistics.

 How long does delivery take and How Much Does Shipping Cost?

 Delivery lead time

 Order Amount

 Shipping Fee

 Standard Shipping (3-7 business days for US)

 $79 and up


 Standard Shipping (3-7 business days for US)



 International Shipping & Warranty (7-15 business days. Taxes and duties not included)

 $0 and up

 Extra fee per actual


We usually ship from our global fulfillment centers within 3-5 business days. We use TNT, FedEx, UPS, DHL, or other couriers, which may vary upon destination country for best pricing, service, and speed of delivery. Please be aware that we are not responsible for any customs fees, tax, duties, or import charges.

 We provide tracking numbers for all orders. We will email you the tracking number once we deliver your order. Please note there might be a delay of 1 or 2 days for you to receive your tracking number for international orders due to the transit.